Die Bioniker are alumni of the international bachelor’s degree in bionics at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen. They use bionics to exploit the potential of nature for the development of innovative products. To do so, they rely on know-how in the field of scientific research as well as experiences in industrial product development. For them bionics is a future-oriented cross-sectional-technology which has the potential to create sustainable products and processes.
Markus Hollermann
International bachelor’s degree in bionics (B.Sc.)
Master’s degree in production engineering and industrial management (M.Sc.)
Raised in the rural area of Kettenkamp, the trained engineering draftsman is now based in Bremen, where he constantly organizes and promotes the implementation and further development of numerous ideas. Systematical bionics as well as project-, innovation- and knowledge management in the development process are topics he is engaged in. Through creative dialogues he shares his enthusiasm with everyone involved. With his proposals and sketches he always provides valuable inputs for the idea generation.
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Felix Förster
International bachelor’s degree in bionics (B.Sc.)
Master’s degree in physical engineering science (M.Sc.)
Originally from Leipzig, he does the operational business tasks from Berlin and mainly addresses himself to tasks in physics and simulation technology. He has special interests in developments concerning fluid mechanics in the often overlapping fields of biology, medicine and technology. Furthermore, planning and realizing creativity workshops as well as the development of specific ideas are crucial part of his work.
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Helge Banthin
International bachelor’s degree in bionics (B.Sc.)
International master’s degree in industrial engineering management (M.Sc.)
Born and raised in Paderborn, he now operates from Hamburg as project manager for die Bioniker. As he studied bionics and industrial management, he is especially interested in the field of organizational bionics, which deals with the application of organizational principles of biological models for issues in management and organizations. He is also working on a dissertation on this topic at the TU Hamburg-Harburg.
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